Perhaps with the recent connectivity issues there are simply less people able to race long enough to have any LFS issues to discuss. For the past several days if you would go on to [AMG]GTi Motorsports - you could race for awhile, but then all 12 people connected would have their pings shoot up into the red and each and every person would time out one after another. And then when you refresh the list of hosts, AMG wouldn't be in the list. Then if you wait a few minutes it would reappear in the list with 0/12 people. And you'd join and start qualifying and then one by one more people would join until it was full again - all complaining about the massive time out thing. After about 45 minutes to an hour usually, it happens again - everyone times out of the server until the server is empty.
Now after some research I've discovered that this issue is occuring in other demo servers as well - it's not just ours. However, because of the nature of this issue - it may be that many LFS guys have just grown tired of it and are giving up on LFS for awhile until the issue is resolved. And so this, combined with the fact that nobody can race for more than an hour or two, may be the reason that activity on the forums has halted. If activity on the servers is down, then activity in the forum will go down as well I suppose.Added (2013-02-17, 5:54 PM)
However, I should mention that it's not gonna stop me from racing. And there are many who feel as I do, that no matter how often the time-out occurs - we'll just refresh our list and jump right back in and keep at it. I've been having some fun races the last few days despite the time-out issue, and sometimes you can even race for a few hours before it occurs. I'm not gonna let it keep me down, and I'm sure it will get fixed eventually. (^_^)
Added (2013-02-17, 6:02 PM)
I have a theory on the time-out thing: I've noticed that it happens mostly on servers that are full - for instance, yesterday it happened to AMG GTi Motorsports when it was full - then if you refreshed the list of hosts you'd see GTi Motorsports wasn't in the list but AutoSport and GTR MotorSport were still in the list. And when I checked around and asked other server guys if it was happening to them on their servers, the ones that were popular servers that were often full said yes - but the unpopular servers that weren't usually full said they had no problems. So it would seem there is a direct correlation between servers that are full and the massive time-outs. That being said: Perhaps if you pick a server that isn't too full you'll stand a better chance of not running into the time-out issue. I should also mention that I haven't raced yet today - so as far as I know, perhaps the issue has allready been resolved. I'm gonna go race now - wish me luck!