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Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan  
New AMG Talent
JJDate: Thursday, 2014-08-21, 5:50 PM | Message # 1
Group: Team Member
Messages: 18
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Hi guys, thought I'd congratulate some newly appointed AMG Team members.
Congrats to Twincam and Baker, both great racers and mates and it's gonna be a joy being team mates with these guys. being new to AMG myself, I'm sure we will all help each other find our feet within the team and create some fun memories with the rest of the AMG Team! Credit to Smoke and Wayne for encouraging such awesome racers to join the team and sin for giving us all a go. Best of luck guys
Cheers, AMG JJ

p.s I hope these guys sign up to the forums and help bring some life back here. It's hard work atm for Smoke, Sin, Heavykick and myself   tongue
SinDate: Friday, 2014-08-22, 9:19 AM | Message # 2
Alien Racer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2442
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Nice sentiments there JJ, I've already welcomed the new guys into the team - I'm sure they will only strengthen our team even further.

I would also like to thank Wayne for his help with the GTi server, the rental agreement has now been extended for another year as of yesterday. Plus I've renewed the GTR server for a further year - this is where I have done most of my racing, but do to personal commitments I haven't been able to race as much as I'd like to at the moment.

Happy racing good

Team Member
JJDate: Friday, 2014-08-22, 11:06 AM | Message # 3
Group: Team Member
Messages: 18
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Hi Sin! 
Yes I have noticed your absence in the servers since becoming a member, it's a shame you don't have as much spare time to race but that's life hey! 
You're right about new members further strengthening AMG, it has boosted the number of admins on the servers at all different hours and as a result the number of hackers and crashers has reduced, and server regulars that left to race at AA Servers and the like because of the troublemakers, have returned. Which is great
AMG GTi servers have been quite active as of late which is great news for our team.

and Wayne's dedication to the team is quite special, though doesn't come as much of a surprise as that's the sort of guy he is. So thanks Wayne and yourself sin for keeping the servers running for us addicts. Smoke and many other AMG Members dedication to the team is also unique and great to see.
I spoke to Wayne not long ago and offered my support to help with server costs ect. Bon Jovi himself said it was no drama and not required. But the offer stands. If you guys require any help financial or otherwise with AMG Server or Forums, I'm happy to chip in where I can.
cheers JJ
SinDate: Friday, 2014-08-22, 1:20 PM | Message # 4
Alien Racer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2442
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Thanks JJ, any donation I receive via the "Donate" link (which is top right on the home page) goes towards server rental costs - at the moment it's just Wayne and myself that cover the costs... But anything received is greatly appreciated.

As for the website and forums there is no monetary cost involved as it is hosted freely.

Regards, Sin

Team Member
[SMOKE]Date: Saturday, 2014-08-23, 4:48 PM | Message # 5
Pro Racer
Group: Team Member
Messages: 269
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Great post [AMG] JJ
Sorry I don't get to race with you much - different time zones and all that.
On the matter of server renewals - Wayne mentioned yesterday that he wanted me to put something in the forum for him. He said he would like it if from now on - there was an advance notice on when the payment was due, something like a month's notice or two. You know Wayne's memory and all.. he will forget the date every year and needs the reminders with some advance. He suggested that Sin could post the notice in the forum about a month or two in advance each year, and then I would relay the notice to him since I live on the forum 24/7.
Okay, thanks guys!
SinDate: Sunday, 2014-08-24, 8:09 AM | Message # 6
Alien Racer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2442
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Haha, that means I'll have to try and remember as well...

The company send me a reminder 4 weeks before the end date, if I think about it before that I'll then remind you - or if we all write it on next years calender none of us will forget lol

Team Member
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