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Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan  
Server Information
SinDate: Friday, 2010-09-03, 11:02 AM | Message # 1
Alien Racer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2442
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
This server runs 8 races before changing track

Tracks can be changed by voting to end the race (shift+X) ... then there is a voting process where the users can vote for which track they would prefer . or if no votes are cast then it will run the rotation that has been installed .

Cars Allowed :

GTR (Unrestricted)
GT2 (Type !cars to see information on what restriction to use)

GT2 cars have there own stats and there own World Records

Qualifying :

Qualifying runs once for 20 Minutes after the track has changed , Qualifying can be used again but only if the majority of users on the server vote for it . you don't have to Qualify to take part in the races .

Pit Stop = No

This server runs with a full licensing system type !lcs to check details

Team Member
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