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*** Server Rules ***
Please read
Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan
1 0 Friday, 2009-08-14, 4:47 PM
Thread: [AMG] Server Rules
Posted by: Sin
Reports (is being viewed by: 1)
Abuser reports can be posted here
Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan
125 349 Tuesday, 2022-11-08, 9:17 AM
Thread: MONZA GSE constantly abusing...
Posted by: lfsmods
All banned users can explain themselves here
Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan
55 242 Tuesday, 2022-11-08, 9:13 AM
Thread: Banned Unfairly
Posted by: lfsmods
Bug Reports
Report any bug you have noticed on the server here
Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan
3 5 Tuesday, 2022-11-08, 9:11 AM
Thread: Being spectated while driving
Posted by: lfsmods
[AMG] GT2 MotorSport
Anything related to our GT2 server
Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan
16 100 Tuesday, 2022-11-08, 9:08 AM
Thread: Server change
Posted by: lfsmods
[AMG] GTR MotorSport
Anything related to our Aston National Server
Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan
6 45 Tuesday, 2012-07-10, 6:51 PM
Thread: The server is empty? :O
Posted by: Sin
[AMG] GTi ProSport (is being viewed by: 1)
Anything related to our GTi pro demo server
Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan
5 26 Sunday, 2013-03-17, 11:43 PM
Thread: To Pit, or Not to Pit, that ...
Posted by: Steve
[AMG] GTi MotorSport
Anything related to our Demo server
Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan
11 136 Sunday, 2018-03-11, 4:12 PM
Thread: Server Admins
Posted by: 9397lfs

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