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Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan  
AMG GTI family
[SMOKE]Date: Tuesday, 2011-07-19, 4:25 AM | Message # 1
Pro Racer
Group: Team Member
Messages: 269
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If you consider yourself part of the AMG GTI Family: Post here. Drivers I know to be part of this family include (but are not limited to): Anton, B2RStorm, madcama, Pascal, branko, PectoRis, Kiwi, AKI, Camel Club, MissHajni, Daniel-CRO, these are the racers that I see every single day, their devotion is appreciated. However, there are more that I could mention - these are the ones that are here everysingle day without fail.
SinDate: Tuesday, 2011-07-19, 8:06 PM | Message # 2
Alien Racer
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I'm there everyday also , i just never know when i'm going to have time to race wink

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[SMOKE]Date: Friday, 2011-07-22, 2:13 PM | Message # 3
Pro Racer
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biggrin Yes, you are the head of the family! Hey Sin, I have something I gotta ask you, and I didn't really want to start a new thread for it. Also, it fits into this thread I think.. I allways get folks asking me if they can be admins (limads), And I allways say: "That's up to Sin, I don't make those decisions." However, there is this nice kid named Floyd who asked about being a limad yesterday, and I realised that here is a guy who'd actually be a really good fit. I'm very familiar with him, he's a friend. And he's allways got the highest safety rating - usually highest !rt on the track. He is polite - never saying anything rude or immature. He has good manners and never loses his temper. I think Floyd would make a fantastic limad, I highly recommend him for the position. I told him as much and asked him to hang out at AMG GTI as much as possible in case you say yes, so you can find him. Thank you.
SinDate: Friday, 2011-07-22, 4:17 PM | Message # 4
Alien Racer
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Thx for the heads-up m8 , I've seen him on there racing so I know who your referring to ... I will talk with him when i next see him


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[SMOKE]Date: Wednesday, 2011-08-03, 1:17 PM | Message # 5
Pro Racer
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Thanks Sin. There is one more guy who would be a great limad at AMG GTI, Wayne. He's allways there - he probably drives at AMG GTI like 10 hours a day, he's very loyal, and a good safe driving buddy. He's in his forties and has patience, manners, and a likable personality.
SinDate: Wednesday, 2011-08-03, 3:50 PM | Message # 6
Alien Racer
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Yes I have been waiting to chat with him about it ... hopefully I can sort something out shortly , thanks for the prod wink

Team Member
[SMOKE]Date: Saturday, 2011-08-13, 4:59 PM | Message # 7
Pro Racer
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Yeah.. Wayne should be easy to find. Everytime I go to AMG GTI he's there - day or night. However, Floyd I haven't seen as much lately.

Added (2011-08-05, 1:32 PM)
Hey they are both there right now. Floyd and Wayne. (And both in my carbon fiber skin - how cute)

Added (2011-08-13, 4:59 PM)
Pascal has asked to be a limad at AMG GTI. I won't bother describing him to you as I did with Floyd and Wayne, because everyone knows Pascal. He's awesome.

SinDate: Saturday, 2011-08-13, 6:11 PM | Message # 8
Alien Racer
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Quote (|SMOKE|)
Pascal has asked to be a limad at AMG GTI

But he maybe to quick to ban people without checking first , this is just the impression i get when i spectate the server on the quiet ... i will mull it over , thx for letting me know

Team Member
[SMOKE]Date: Monday, 2011-08-15, 7:05 PM | Message # 9
Pro Racer
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Yeah I know he's fast and friendly, but I can't vouch for his level of tolerance. I vouched for Floyd and Wayne, but Pascal I can't vouch for but, it's just that he's asked me about it. And he is a friend, Go with your gut on it buddy.
DANIEL-CRODate: Monday, 2011-08-15, 9:39 PM | Message # 10
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I'm back biggrin
3 weeks pause, party, denmark...
It was really hard to again get good times, after all that alcohol. everything seems so wired... like I never played LFS...

about Pascal, he is fast but like SIN wrote I dont think that he will check people... today he asked me to kick someone because server is full, that trismo can join server, I've replyed thats not fair to other racers. If someone race fairly but he is slow thats really not reason to kick.

Username: Paulogato157
Reason: Cheating

maybe SIN should make report thread just for GTI server, and that all limads must be registred to this forum, and report cheaters, crashers... as candidates for longer bans
SinDate: Tuesday, 2011-08-16, 1:31 AM | Message # 11
Alien Racer
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Welcome back Daniel , I've deleted Paulogato157's time as i guessed he was cheating , thx for the replay smile ... just use the "reports section" in the forum , i won't miss it then wink

Btw i hope the alcohol wears off soon wine

Team Member
[SMOKE]Date: Monday, 2011-10-17, 11:53 PM | Message # 12
Pro Racer
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I would like to submit a request for another limad: sandman Others have complained about a lack of limads since Hajni left and Wayne's pc is in the shop - and drivers have requested sandman as a good candidate. I've watched him for 3 days now. He is fair and polite and prob spends about 5 or 6 hrs a day at AMG GTI, he can speak a few languages, and he has a helpfull positive chat with others. He's not one of my old friends or anything - but I have to admit I can't find any fault with the guy. If anything - he may be too leniant, but that's not gonna hurt the server. Let me know what ya think - [SMOKE]
SinDate: Tuesday, 2011-10-18, 1:20 AM | Message # 13
Alien Racer
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Quote (|SMOKE|)
I would like to submit a request for another limad: sandman

Duly noted , thanks for the heads-up as always m8 good

Team Member
[SMOKE]Date: Tuesday, 2011-10-18, 1:23 AM | Message # 14
Pro Racer
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rageshgrDate: Tuesday, 2011-10-18, 1:34 PM | Message # 15
Group: Users
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I am starting to love AMG Gti now. It is very cool and all hell does n't break lose if some small accidents happpen, the cars will do barrel flip and still run!

Added (2011-10-18, 1:34 PM)
Btw, interesting replay, he has increased the horsepower just enough to make it look like real. What were your main clues? Mine were:
1. 1:33.18 but driving did not look perfect.
2. He got a 29.46 1st sector.
3. He was easily passing people in straight
4. He got 185-190 on straight. Generally XFG hovers around 180
5. His clutch was overheating probably due to extra horsepower.
6. He could not pass people using maneuvers.

Message edited by rageshgr - Tuesday, 2011-10-18, 1:07 PM
SinDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-19, 9:37 AM | Message # 16
Alien Racer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2442
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The main thing with hackers is that they can do awesome times , but there driving style isn't the best ... so a regular LFS user will know exactly who the fast guys are and also what the best possible splits are (roughly of course) . so when i see someone popping in stupidly fast splits/lap times i just watch them for a couple of laps , then when i'm satisfied there using a hack i firstly save the replay then ban them ... we just don't need those types of players here .

Team Member
rageshgrDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-19, 10:37 AM | Message # 17
Group: Users
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Yes it is sad, and these type of players are more difficult to spot and the ones with those teleporting hacks or hacks were UF1 accelerates to 200 kph in 3 seconds. Yest I in one demo server (not AMG) I saw a guy with 1:10.xx on XRG in !tm. lol! He was doing 1:34's when I saw him. I hope even that 1:34 is not fake.
[SMOKE]Date: Wednesday, 2011-10-19, 4:53 PM | Message # 18
Pro Racer
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Messages: 269
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You guys ever get the ones that are reeeaally sneaky at cheating? You know, those guys where you're positive they're using a speed hack - but they use it gently and disguise it well to get 33.90-34.20 range, but even though their times aren't super fast and when you watch them you can only catch little glimpses of the rpm jumping up in odd increments here and there - you also see their driving isn't pollished enough for anything over 35-36, and yet they have a 33 pb and you see those little rpm jumps - those are the one's where I don't act on it because I can't be 100% positive, and yet it secretly bothers me even more than the obvious ones. biggrin
SinDate: Wednesday, 2011-10-19, 8:55 PM | Message # 19
Alien Racer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2442
Reputation: 9
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Yeah i know what u mean m8 , as long as gaming exists there will always be people cheating i guess sad

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