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Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan  
Please help me analyse myself
rageshgrDate: Sunday, 2011-09-25, 6:07 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 130
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Forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong section. I need a big help from you guys.

I have uploaded my AS3+FXR [AMG] PB here here (well my PB is actually 0.02 faster but I guess I didn't save it). I use a keyboard (Ks) to play.

Please watch from 10 min:35 sec where I start my hot-lap. My lap time is 1:43.15. Can you please tell me if and where I am making any particular mistakes and how to correct it so that I can be faster.

Some notes though:
At T1 I generally hit 170 kph (as opposed to this PB of 165 kph)
My TB is 45.46+57.28 = 1:42.74. But I am sure with some tips from great drivers like you I can hit low 1:42's. I have already watched some very fast (wheel as well as keyboard) replays by other drivers and learnt some tips. As far as practice goes, I have done 5108 online AS3+FXR laps.

I would be really grateful if you can watch the above replay and give some tips that you find.

Message edited by rageshgr - Monday, 2011-09-26, 2:56 PM
SinDate: Sunday, 2011-09-25, 6:48 PM | Message # 2
Alien Racer
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Well i will take a look when i have a bit more time , but for now READ THIS ... it should help you no end good

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rageshgrDate: Sunday, 2011-09-25, 7:17 PM | Message # 3
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Thanks a lot Sin, yes I have read that, and it had helped me too smile
OsteriDate: Monday, 2011-09-26, 4:15 PM | Message # 4
Group: Team Member
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Status: Offline turn too much a slight bend...speed go down...and you turn right or left all the time, straight sides...this my analysis...

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rageshgrDate: Monday, 2011-09-26, 4:36 PM | Message # 5
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Thanks a lot Osteri. From your reply, I think it might help if I reduce my steer and return rate. Currently I have them at 0.79 and 0.41. I will try reducing it so that the bends are smoother. What do u think?
SinDate: Monday, 2011-09-26, 4:59 PM | Message # 6
Alien Racer
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Yes i agree with Osteri , after watching closely its going to be hard for you to achieve what you want as your always going to be held back by the Keyboard i'm afraid . like he said the key to being fast is first you have to be smooth , by doing this you will scrub off less speed ... the longer you can have the front wheels going in a straight line the faster you will be .

Having said that , getting a low 1:43.xx using a Keyboard is very good ... so well done for that . but i'm sure you can achieve your TB with a bit more practice .

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rageshgrDate: Monday, 2011-09-26, 5:09 PM | Message # 7
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Thanks a lot Sin for your encouragement :), you telling me I am very good just made my day. I guess I am approaching as fast as keyboard gets, so it is gonna be more and more difficult to shave that extra few centiseconds. The HL WR for a keyboard is 1:41.92 which is gonna be a hill climb for me.

When I compared Turbo's lap and mine, I saw that I lost about 1 second in the short stretch between braking for the first hairpin and exiting the second hairpin. Anything I can do there?

Message edited by rageshgr - Monday, 2011-09-26, 5:11 PM
SinDate: Monday, 2011-09-26, 6:10 PM | Message # 8
Alien Racer
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Quote (rageshgr)
When I compared Turbo's lap and mine, I saw that I lost about 1 second in the short stretch between braking for the first hairpin and exiting the second hairpin. Anything I can do there?

That i'm afraid is mainly down to having a good wheel and putting in lots of practice so as to get the correct line , one thing i did notice is that you go slightly wide and turn in a bit late which loses you time ... when i'm next on i will try to show you what i mean .

Quote (rageshgr)
you telling me I am very good just made my day.

There are many things that make a good driver , for me its not all about "super fast Alien times" ... but in your case to race as clean and fair as you do whilst using a Keyboard is most impressive ... especially as the grid sizes on our server can be 20+ racers , so yeah ... well done applause

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rageshgrDate: Tuesday, 2011-09-27, 9:11 PM | Message # 9
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Thanks Sin, I will work on the turn in bit. Yes driving clean and fair is more difficult than getting fast times I learnt. Man when I am in T1 I really get scared to not to run into people since it is difficult to make mid corner adjustments with keyboard.

Added (2011-09-27, 9:11 PM)
I got my first sub 1:43 today. My LFSW PB is now 1:42.99 (45.49+57.50).

I also broke my sector times making my TB 1:42.65 (45.41 +57.24). Thanks for the help!. I am trying to break earlier and turn in earlier for the first hairpin.

Message edited by rageshgr - Wednesday, 2011-09-28, 11:59 PM
ReflexDate: Wednesday, 2011-09-28, 2:23 AM | Message # 10
Group: Team Member
Messages: 94
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Is there anyway you could get hold of a cheap gamepad with analogue buttons? In my early LFS days whilst on demo i could get quite close to the xfg WR with a wingman gamepad, & when i did eventually get a g25 it took me a week or so to beat my gamepad PB's.
Dont think i could make my front tyres last more than a lap with keyboard. smile

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rageshgrDate: Wednesday, 2011-09-28, 11:59 AM | Message # 11
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Thanks for the suggestion dude. Well as a matter of fact I bought a wheel recently, but as you said I have been practising for 2 weeks (on and off), but my wheel times are 2 seconds slower than keyboard times. It could be due to the below reasons:
1. I need more practice to learn the wheel
2. It does not have force feed back so there is no much info to go by
3. It is a small 20 cm wheel with 270 deg turn (lock to lock)

Yest Sin suggested mouse may be a better option. So gonna try that

Quote (Reflex)
Dont think i could make my front tyres last more than a lap with keyboard. smile

Well, for me its the other way round, i have no feedback in the dead center so I am almost never fully straight with the wheel, especially while braking hence I overheat the tires within 2 laps.

Message edited by rageshgr - Wednesday, 2011-09-28, 1:16 PM
ReflexDate: Wednesday, 2011-09-28, 1:32 PM | Message # 12
Group: Team Member
Messages: 94
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
well 270% should be ok, if you use in 270% in prifiler & a little less in game it would make the wheel a little less sensitive as you start to turn in for corners & make sure wheel turn compensation slider is all the way to the right.
& if you make changes allways calibrate after.

Force feed back is important, but there are some alien drivers that turn it off.
From what i have read in forums mouse is quicker than keyboard, never tried it myself.

If the wheel is working properly, all that is need is lots of pratice. smile

Team Member
rageshgrDate: Saturday, 2011-10-01, 10:38 PM | Message # 13
Group: Users
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Thanks Reflex, this wheel does not have a profiler software, so it is physically limited to 270 that's all. So I guess would be the same as setting 270 degrees in profiler. In game as of now I have made 270 now, I tried 220 after I read sins post, found it a little different, probably I will settle for somewhere between 220 and 270.

Yes not having force feedback is an issue now. I have to work around it somehow smile

Added (2011-10-01, 10:38 PM)
I got a 1:42.56 pb today! (In my team server but we too have tirewalls in the chicane).
Now my TB is 1:42.37 (45.31+57.06). I am inching towards Semi-Pro. Thanks for all the tips! and I guess practice really pays.

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