Ive said it before and i'll say it again, you cant expect a racer to jump off the track to allow you to pass just because they are blue flagged.
The blue flag is to let you know you have a car coming up which intends to pass, and you should let him pass at the earliest safe opportunity. Halfway round a corner etc is not a safe place to pass.
What does not help the situation is when a slower driver tries to second guess what the following car is going to do and adjusts his car to suit, which means he ends up swerving all over the track, and not allowing the faster car to attempt to know where he is going, thus not helping atall. Along the straight he picked the left side and stuck to it, the fact you picked the same side aswell is not his fault, you need to pass him, not him get out the way of you. If you had turned to the right and he followed you over to the right, that would be blocking...
The turn 1 and turn 3 incidents were the same, again, he drove smoothly and on his line, I certainly didn't see any blocking, again you need to pass him safely...
Sorry, had a bad and it seems I may have just vented a lil wee bit