Quote (SingleEnginePilot)
1st, I don't have another account or I would simply use that. So I don't knwo what you're talking about.
Whatever u say man
Quote (SingleEnginePilot)
2nd, so you don't ban people that wreck, but you DO ban people that compain about others that wreck??
People get banned for deliberate wrecking yes , they dont get banned for being beginners , u got banned because we're fed up with your moaning everytime u come on ... so we thought we'd help u out and save u the trouble of getting wound up all the time
Quote (SingleEnginePilot)
OMG and you complain about other servers that ban wreckers.. What the heck?
At no point did i complain , i stated a fact
Quote (SingleEnginePilot)
Now, I don't know what incident you're exactly referring to when you say I said drivers should go to another server, but again, that is a bannable offense??
Its no different to advertising your team or recruiting on our server , and yeah its in the rules
Quote (SingleEnginePilot)
Again please show me how I broke any server rule and I won't ask any more questions.
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