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Why am i banned? :O - Forum

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Forum moderator: B1gch0pper, Ryan  
Why am i banned? :O
BoostDate: Friday, 2010-03-26, 9:52 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 7
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
I was on the server today, and caused one crash by accident and then that guy was rolled over. Then i said "f*ck this" and "FML" because my wheel was being stupid as usual and disconnecting itself and making the throttle stick on; if you don't believe me you can ask Retro (loafy021093) as he knows this happens.

Now i just went to join the server and it says banned for 7days...etc reason crashing and swearing :O
I mean come on i know i swore but i was swearing to myself and not at someone, and that crash i didn't do it intentionally sad

Please unban me

Regards [Rs]Python

Message edited by Boost - Friday, 2010-03-26, 9:53 PM
SinDate: Saturday, 2010-03-27, 0:05 AM | Message # 2
Alien Racer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2442
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
You ask in the thread title "Why am i banned? :O" when you already know the answer :s

Quote (Boost)
i was swearing to myself and not at someone

If you were swearing at yourself , why bother to type it into the global chat , do we all need to see it ?? ... and its not the first time you've done it , this is why you got the ban because you know the rules as you agree to them every time you connect to our server .

Quote (Boost)
banned for 7days...etc reason crashing

It doesn't say crashing it says "bad driving" i'm guessing it must of looked pretty bad as like you say your "wheel was playing up" ... if you cause a crash its better to acknowledge the fact and say sorry instead of swearing , all of the admins here take a dim view of unsportsmanlike behavior and don't give out bans lightly .

I will unban you after you have agreed to our SERVER RULES ... i only give out second chances as everyone deserves a break once in a while , BUT if anything like that happens again it will be a permaban with no chance of an unban .

Once you have given your reply about our rules then i will unban you .

Team Member
BoostDate: Saturday, 2010-03-27, 12:13 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 7
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Okay, I'm sorry for swearing into the chat, and for not acknowledging that I caused the crash, and I agree to the server rules...and I'll not swear again into the server and keep it to myself sad


SinDate: Saturday, 2010-03-27, 9:53 PM | Message # 4
Alien Racer
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2442
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
You are free to race on our server again , the ban is now lifted .

Team Member
BoostDate: Sunday, 2010-03-28, 10:34 AM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 7
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
thanks a lot smile
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