Heyy, i'm Chris i was on AMG GTR MOTOR SPORT and i was just playing around with my czzen i crashed him once or twice i think cant remember but i was just playing around with him we always, do i will never do it agian i have learnt my lesson and i will never do it agian please UN ban me i really like racing on Ur server.\ thanks ,Chris
I am sorry for crashing on your server.
Message edited by PSIDUP - Friday, 2010-04-02, 11:40 AM
I've just checked the log and yes you were definitely banned for crashing on purpose , whether you know the person or not crashing is not allowed on any of our race servers as it can cause problems for other racers who want to race fairly . i will wait to hear from the Admin who banned you for his opinion on your request . Team Member
Well, usually when i see you race you are fine but as i said when you asked me on msn why i banned you (also as Sin outlined) our servers are not for crashing, you are only allowed to race on our servers as it is stated in the server rules both in the server when you join, by using the commands and on the forum here. Once you have read them i feel it would be ok for you to come back on the server, but if seen crashing again i wouldn't be expecting more chances Server Rules Team Member